Who We Are

We pride ourselves in putting families at ease and giving them complete peace of mind by making the Will writing process as straightforward and as easy as possible. Add to that the fact that we charge some of the lowest fees for Will writing, offering unbelievable value as part of the package. Our friendly and approachable consultants are always happy to listen to your needs and lay out all the Will-related options in front of you in a clear, transparent and understandable manner. We prefer plain English, as opposed to unnecessary legal jargon.

Areas Of Focus

Professional Will Writing

Making a Will is not something you should leave to the last minute. On the contrary, the sooner you write it the better, as life can be unpredictable. No matter what your circumstances, our consultants will help you write the perfect Will, which fully benefits you and your family after your demise.

Lasting Powers Of Attorney (LPAs)

While a professionally written Will can certainly protect your family and ensure that your wishes are complied with after you are gone, you may want to exercise some control over it while you are alive. This is where LPAs let you appoint people you can trust to make financial and personal decisions on your behalf, should you be unable to do so due to lack of mental capacity or otherwise.

Living Trusts (also known as Lifetime Trusts)

Having a Will in place is great but it can only do so much – after all, it simply details your wishes. It does not protect you against factors which may adversely affect the value of your Estate, such as long-term care fees, Inheritance Tax, relationship breakdowns or divorce, for example. Living Trusts can be established straightaway (and not just after your death like a Will Trust) and can also be used to make gifts during your lifetime. In addition, you may be able to benefit from your assets during your lifetime as a result of the Trust.

Property Trust

By having a Property Trust in place, no one can use your property to pay for long-term care fees. In the event that you or your spouse passes away, the respective share of the property passes into the Trust. Should the survivor require long-term care in the future, their respective share will be used by the local authority, with the rest of the share protected in the Property Trust. This eventually is passed on to the beneficiaries you have named in your Will.

Later Life Planning

For an older adult, nothing is better than ageing gracefully, and staying comfortable and solvent. As you grow older, you certainly don’t want to burden your family too much, either during your lifetime or after your demise. From helping you decide what kind of life you want to live in your golden years to long-term care fees, Power of Attorney to make decisions on your behalf, estate planning and funeral expenses – our comprehensive later life planning advice covers everything to put you and your family at ease.

Get In touchT

01978 809551

The Stables
Brynkinalt Business Centre
Chirk, LL14 5NS

Email info@completepeaceofmind.co.uk